Pictures, added (semi-)weekly, detailing the events of my life, or just random scenes I've gotten over the years. Also some of my drawings, now that I have discovered the second greatest piece of technology known to man (the first being the electric blanket): The Scanner.
My Senior Will (5/20)
For my senior will, I left the only thing that me and my friends shared at Blake: the spiral staircase, the place where we ate lunch since we stole it from the punks and stoners in 10th grade. Today, it goes to a new group of weirdos.
The will reads: "The Group (my friends and I) hereby bequeathes the underbelly of the Spiral Staircase to Kelsey Bunn & Co. and NO OTHERS."
Hopefully my will shall be kept, even when all of the crap that was written on the wall is painted over this summer.
The New Urban Suburbanite
The Courtyard
Picture of the Week (Vol. 2): Silver Spring
Myrtle Beach 2005
The New Urban Suburbanite
The Courtyard
Picture of the Week (Vol. 2): Silver Spring
Myrtle Beach 2005